Informational Signs

exterior informational signage

Klein Tools Exterior Sign

Hospital Room Signs

An informational sign is used to inform people of the purpose of an object and gives them direct instructions on how to use something. An example is a traffic stop sign. The information on these signs highlights the location of something which cloud be the main entrance, toilet or a department within company. The information on the sign helps people find their way.

Do you need the clearly label something, pass on information to the public or mark the route to other departments in the company? If so, information signs are the answer. Information signs are used to conveyed. It is important that these signs are designed to be clear and easy to understand.

There are many different information signs used completely different contexts. They can involve anything from highlighting rubbish disposal procedures to informing customers about business opening hours or providing information about an event.

Our informational signs:

  • Are large enough to be easily read
  • Present a consistent color scheme
  • Can be illuminated or reflective if needed.
  • Quickly display your logo and brand message
  • Are visible at a distance 
  • Have a clear font style

Way-finding Signage

Mercury Signs has a variety of floor stands and safety floor signs that will help warn of hazardous areas. Our floor signs will clearly mark off slippery walk areas. In addition, we have options to warn people with Men Working signs, Wet Paint Signs, Restricted Access signs, and Restroom signs.

Traffic Signs

At Mercury Signs, we produce the best traffic sign design that conform to the specific standards set in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and other relevant local regulations. 

Communicate Information

One of the classic informational signs is those that indicate the location of additional information. For larger events or in other places with information boards, similar information signs can be set up to clearly indicate the location of these boards.

The informational signs produced and installed by Mercury Signs are built to withstand all weather conditions while clearly communicating basic information quickly and with high-visibility.

Free Informational Signs Consultation

If you’re looking for a professional information signage provider, Mercury Signs has a reliable team of graphic designers and signage specialists that are here to help you out. Give us a call today and leave the rest to us!

Common FAQs For Informational Signs

What are informational signs?

Informational signs are signage displayed within buildings or indoor spaces that provide helpful information, directions, guidelines, or instructions to individuals in those environments.

What types of information do informational signs typically convey?

Informational signs can convey a range of information, including room or area identification, wayfinding directions, safety instructions, regulations, hours of operation, and emergency exit routes.

What materials are commonly used to make informational signs?

Informational signs are often made from materials like acrylic, metal, PVC, or foam. These materials are chosen for their durability, professional appearance, and ability to withstand indoor conditions.

How are informational signs typically mounted or displayed?

Informational signs can be mounted using methods such as hanging from ceilings, attaching to walls with adhesive or hardware, affixing to doors, or placing on stands or easels for tabletop displays.

What benefits do informational signs offer for indoor spaces?

Interior informational signs enhance user experience and improve navigation within buildings. They help visitors find their way, understand facility rules, locate specific areas, and promote safety. Clear and concise information leads to a more organized and efficient environment.

Preschool Playground Informational Sign

Informational Mall Sign

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